The Truth Behind Headaches – 5 Headache myths that are keeping You from Relief Prevention Magazine


There’s been a time when we’ve all felt it an occasional ache that isn’t too noticeable in the eye or pounding sensation in the head (or more severe) that is set to make your day miserable. The frequency of headaches is so high that we feel somewhat like experts. But the reality is that there are plenty of misconceptions surrounding them that could prevent you from stopping or managing your migraine or headache correctly. There are five myths associated with headaches and the truth which could alleviate the pain.

Myth # 1. Migraines are not really terrible headaches.

Truth: The condition of migraine is actually neurologic disease that can cause a variety additional manifestations. Migraine sufferers may also experience dizziness, nausea or trouble concentrating, sensitivities to noise and light, and problems with speech and language.

“These other symptoms may not necessarily occur with headaches. Migraines can be compared to headaches with a and plus,” says Merle Diamond, M.D., president and medical director of the Diamond Headache Clinic and a board member of the National Headache Foundation. One of four sufferers with migraines report missing school or work, while one-third report missing social or family events because of their symptoms the study has revealed. “Migraine is the second most debilitating illness in terms of time lost during your lifetime,” claims the doctor Dr. Diamond. Migraine relief may come in a variety of forms, but you may require a prescription for the discomfort.

Myth #2: Sudden headaches happen! It’s nothing to worry about.

What’s the truth? An unrelenting headache seemingly out of the blue could signal something is wrong, especially when there are other signs. When in doubt go to an ER. The high temperature and stiff neck may indicate meningitis. headaches with nausea or vomiting could be a sign of as well, migraine or concussion. The headaches are especially alarming when you experience symptoms of stroke such as weakness or numbness on the other side or difficulties walking or talking, says Timothy Wong, M.D. A board-certified family physician as well as a medical specialist on JustAnswer. If it’s a serious headache (sometimes called”thunderclap headache”) “thunderclap headache”) be sure to consider it serious as it could be an indication of ruptured aneurysms or a stroke. “The most painful headache you’ve ever had in your life which is so severe that you’re unable to do anything other than try to endure the pain, calls for an immediate examination,” he says.

Myth # 3: Stopping coffee will ease headaches. headaches.

The truth is that caffeine can trigger headaches However, caffeine can also ease headaches. In fact caffeine is an important ingredient in a variety of migraine and headache treatments. “The reason that caffeine reduces migraines remains open to debate. Some people believe it narrows blood vessels that surround the brain and can reduce blood flow , which relieves headache. Others believe that it affects the receptors that control the transmission of pain signals,” Says Kylie Petrarca, R.N. Project manager for the Association of Migraine Disorders.

The act of removing caffeine, particularly abruptly, could cause withdrawal headaches. Try to strike an equilibrium: If you like your coffee, Petrarca recommends having no more than 200 mg of caffeine (the amount contained in 2 cup of tea) every day all at once throughout the day to avoid headache caused by caffeine. If caffeine is making it difficult for you to sleep, it’s an excellent reason to consider slowing down your intake (lack of sleep can be an inducer of migraine). Replace gradually the coffee you drink regularly with decaf. “You can prevent caffeine withdrawal headaches by reducing the quantity of caffeine consumed slowly over a period of time for a few months,” says Dr. Wong. “Caffeine moderately has health benefits , and it helps with fatigue, however, you shouldn’t drink too many of a good thing.”

Myth # 4 The combination of aged cheese and wine can cause headaches as well as migraines.

The truth is that although aged cheeses, salty foods wine, and salty foods can cause headaches in certain people, there’s not single thing that causes headaches for every person. Just 20% of those suffering from headaches are believed to be food sensitive or have triggers.

“Unfortunately migraine sufferers may suffer from different triggers and it’s typically an elimination process to determine what the trigger might could be.” Dr. Wong states. Keep a diary prior to removing certain foods out of your diet. It can contain things like the time and date that you experienced the pain, the intensity, the amount of sleep you got that previous night it, the weather, what you consumed or consumed prior towards it, the prescriptions you were taking, as well as when your period ended. It can be difficult to identify a pattern but if you feel you’ve got the same headache after having drinking wine or cheese, you may want to rest from each to check whether any of them is responsible.

Myth # 5: Prescription drugs are the best choice for frequent headaches.

The truth is: You shouldn’t if you’re experiencing headaches frequently. Taking a medication such as Tylenol, Advil, Aleve or Excedrin to treat headaches more than 2 to 3 times in a single week can trigger recurrent headaches after the drug gets rid of. “It reduces the risk of another headache to occur,” Dr. Diamond states. A sign that this is happeningis that you’re awakening at night or first hour of the morning, with a sharp headache. If you’re experiencing several headaches within one week, visit your doctor. There are medications that are prescribed which don’t trigger the occurrence of rebound headaches and could assist. Drinking enough water, exercising regularly and sleeping enough and avoiding triggers could aid in keeping headaches from happening.

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