Alert the public about a an invisible killer that may initially manifest as neck pain… It’s the Sun

Alert the public about a an invisible killer that may initially manifest as neck pain... It's the Sun

The pain in your neck that makes you move around with your head tilted the other side could be frequent.

It is believed that one-in-five Brits suffer from the disorder every year, as per an analysis published by The British Medical Journal.

Neck pain may be a sign of something more than just a minor issue.

Most often neck discomfort is caused by poor posture, pulled nerve or neck that is trapped in an awkward posture during sleep The NHS states.

In some instances the pain that’s recurrent could be a sign of something more serious, such as an attack on the heart.

More than 80,000 people are admitted to hospitals after suffering cardiac attacks within England each year.

The average survival rate is 7 in 10, but it increases to nine-in-10 when you go admitted to the hospital earlier.

Learn more about heart attacks

NHS research showed that although 70% of respondents were aware that chest pain is an indication of a heart attack only 30 percent were aware of less known signs, such as neck pain.

Other signs associated with a heart attack be:

  • chest pain – feeling of pressure, heaviness pressure or tightness across the chest
  • discomfort in different parts of your body – it may feel like the pain spreads from your chest towards the arms (usually only the right arm gets affected but it can also affect both arms) Jaw, back and tummy (abdomen)
  • experiencing dizziness or lightheadedness.
  • sweating
  • breathiness
  • feeling sick (nausea) or being sick (vomiting)
  • An overwhelming feeling of anxiety (similar as having an attack of panic)
  • wheezing, coughing, or wheezing
  • While chest pain can be intense, some individuals might only experience minor discomfort similar to the feeling of indigestion. The most frequent indication that a heart attack can cause both women and men is chest pain but women tend to be more likely to suffer other symptoms like nausea/vomiting, shortness of breath as well as back or jaw discomfort.

A heart attack happens when the flow of blood to the heart is cut off that can deprive it of oxygen, resulting in severe muscle damage.

The majority of them are read in Health

An arrest of the heart, that some think is heart attack however, is a different thing – it generally occurs without warning, with the patient rapidly losing consciousness.

The term “cardiac arrest” refers to a condition which causes the heart to stop. patients will experience no pulse. They could die in a matter of minutes if they don’t receive treatment.

A heart attack may cause an cardiac arrest.

What are the major elements?

Circulatory and heart diseases account for about a quarter of all death in UK as research provided by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) declares.

That’s around 160,000 people dying per year. Close to eight million Brits who suffer from the disease.

Concerning the causes of heart disease (CVD),Dr Anushka Patchava, deputy chief medical officer at Vitality declared that one of the most significant risk factors is smoking cigarettes.

“Others could be a result of being overweight or drinking excessive alcohol. Furthermore it could also be due to metabolic reasons, like diabetes or high cholesterol.

“High stress can result in high blood pressure that is the cause of CVD and is a contributor in heart attacks.

“There are many ways we can combat stress. This could include exercising or focusing on mental health by employing techniques like meditation and mindfulness.”

She said that it’s important to be aware of the connections between mental health conditions like depression, that may increase the risk of cardiovascular and heart diseases.

“If there is a relative who suffers from heart disease, you might be more likely to be suffering from it.

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“Equally research has shown that those who are Black or South Asian ethnicity have a higher risk of suffering from heart health,” she added.

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, then you must consult your GP or in the event of an emergency, contact 911.