Make time for an interruption on social media Take a break from social media York Dispatch

Make time for an interruption on social media Take a break from social media York Dispatch

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Check out this article for tips and tools to help minimize screen time when using these apps.

Distinguish yourself physically from your smartphone and other applications: While you’re in your home when you you have time to yourself place the phone away in a cabinet or in a place where you won’t be able to see it. In many cases, being unable to easily and quickly access your phone will prevent you from engaging in social media, suggested Agarwal. If your phone hinders your fingers from being fidgety and twitching, you can try having items around your house to help relieve stress, such as an exercise ball, a fidget toys, or yarn as well as crochet hooks.

Be easy on yourself and ask for help about social media use:

“If you’re reading this article, kudos to you for thinking about reevaluating social media,” Agarwal said Trying to meet your goals is all about celebrating the small wins.

Set tiny goals for yourself such as spending 10 minutes less time on social media than you did the day prior to. The ideal amount of time you spend on social media will vary for each person as certain people utilize these apps to create brand awareness and promote themselves. Find your personal Instagram-like sweet spot and don’t forget, even if you are scrolling excessively on social media on a particular day, you are able to try and achieve your goal in the next day.

Another way to ensure you stay in the right direction is to communicate your goals with someone you trust, a trusted friend or loved one who could be a gentle reminder when they observe that you’ve been posting on social media for some time.