Schools are preparing to open, says V. Sivankutty; digital learning causes health problems | COVID Expert Committee | V Sivankutty | covid 19 Kerala | Schools reopened

  Schools are preparing to open, says V. Sivankutty;  digital learning causes health problems |  COVID Expert Committee |  V Sivankutty |  covid 19 Kerala |  Schools reopened

Thiruvananthapuram: Education Minister V. Sivankutty told the gathering on Monday that schools in the state could be opened with central government approval. The schools will reopen gradually. He made it clear that the instructions of the central government and the committee of experts will be followed. He also announced that facilities will be set up in schools for this purpose by next month.

In order to finalize the decision, however, the state government needs the approval of the COVID technical committee. He also announced that action will be taken after the students’ vaccination process is completed.

He said a study by SCERT found that the online learning process with digital devices is causing serious health problems for students. It found that nearly 36 percent of students experience headache and neck pain and 28 percent experience eye problems and psychological trauma.

“Parents need to ensure proper movement and care for students during the digital learning process. From next month, parents will also be trained in how to use digital devices. Advisors are appointed as needed to reduce the psychological stress of the students, ”said the minister.