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The current pace of life requires more effort and dedication. But what if you start the week and already feel tired? Or does the working atmosphere cause you emotional stress that also affects your private life? According to the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), 30% of workers in the country experience work stress that directly affects their productivity.
Therefore, it is best to stop realizing what you are doing wrong and start a plan of action that includes exercise, rest, and a balanced diet, among other things. You may think that with your work rate it is impossible to get fit and balance your life. Contrary to what you think, giving yourself a 15-minute break during the day can be key to improving your job performance and avoiding health problems.
For Gabriela Zapata, manager of Tiempo Activo – a Chilean franchise company that offers physical activity programs in the workplace – there are several common problems related to work processes. For example: tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, limb pain, lumbago, spinal pain and of course stress.
Given these conditions, it is a good idea to incorporate the following tips and exercises into your routine.
Step 1. Delete the panorama
Practice relaxation techniques during times of greatest stress. Just take a five-minute break on a stressful work day. During this time, close your eyes, inhale until your lungs fill with air, and exhale slowly until counting to five.
At home – after arriving from the office – do not forget to completely disconnect yourself from work matters and take time to think and be with yourself. For example, good practice is to read an interesting book to relieve tension and stress.
Step 2. Eliminate muscle tension
It is common for people to have tight muscles in the workplace. And that’s exactly why they feel heavy and hard when they get home. Given this reality, which most cannot escape from, specialists recommend stretching all parts of the body and working with the breath for complete relaxation.
The first movement can even be done in the office on a table or the back of a chair. Extend your hands until your back is flat as if it were a board. In this position, count to 15, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
To put some strain on your lower muscles, stand up straight, bring your legs together, and extend your arms forward. Slowly lower them until you touch the calves with your hands; inhale and return to the starting position. Repeat this movement about five times.
These simple exercises will help keep your circulation active during a long day at work. They are also the perfect solution for feeling clearer, more relaxed and therefore more productive.
Step 3. Improve your posture
If you experience pain in your neck or lower back, stretch your spine every two hours to avoid poor posture. Also, don’t use soft seats that don’t have a backrest, or that are too big or too small for you. Don’t forget to exercise to keep your abs and back muscles in proper muscle tone.
Step 4. Eat healthy
Every wellness routine starts with good nutrition. Therefore, avoid foods that overload the body with slow digestion, making it prone to overload, cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. Golden rule: avoid flour and fat.
If you are struggling to eat well in the office, remember that only vegetables, grains, fruits, and low-fat meats are all you can eat. Don’t forget to drink at least one liter of water a day.
Step 5. Move
Experts agree that exercise is the best way to lead a healthy life.
Use the stairs instead of the elevator; Walk to work or park at one end of the parking lot. Also, take time to stroll around the office area or take a group walk after lunch to clear your head a little.
Step 6. Organize your time
Find a balance between work commitments and all aspects of your personal life so that they do not affect your mental and physical health.
To achieve a work-private balance, start with the following routine. Don’t take work and worries home with you. Once you get to the entrance of your house, take a deep breath and do a chip change that has nothing to do with what you’re doing in the office.
Analyze your habits
Answer these key questions to get an initial diagnosis of your health.
- Do you have trouble sleeping or do you wake up tired?
- Are you having trouble concentrating?
- Do you have regular headaches or neck pain?
- Are you constantly thinking about problems at work?
- Are your muscles tense and sore?
- Do you get angry easily?
- Do you have colitis, ulcers, or other digestive problems?
- Do you regularly feel stressed and restless?
- Do you focus on the situations that are troubling you?
- Do you work all the time, including in your free time?
Most of them yes. If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night and you are increasingly tired and irritable, you suffer from Professional Burnout Syndrome. This can often be seen in administrative, health, and customer service personnel.
In addition, it leaves negative consequences that impair job performance and create conflict in the workplace and in the family environment.
Tip: Take a break from your activities, see your doctor for a more thorough examination, and follow his or her instructions.
Majority no. Congratulations! You are in balance and stay fit and healthy. Therefore, it shouldn’t be difficult for you to concentrate on your daily tasks and put work aside in your free time.

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