Optimal Life Chiropractic

Optimal Life Chiropractic

Optimal Life Chiropractic in Oakdale Minnesota

Optimal Life Chiropractic is a family owned practice specializing in detecting, analyzing, and correcting specific chiropractic needs at the source of the problem. Our focus is getting to the root cause of your health concern and correcting it by using the most advanced chiropractic technique - allowing your body to function and heal at its optimal level. Chiropractic care offers natural relief to chronic pain, headaches, disc disorders, and personal injury cases and can also be the solution for pediatric and prenatal health concerns. We restore hope, healing, and health to the individuals and families of our community through neurologically-based chiropractic care. Book an appointment online or call us at (651) 447-8811.

Contact Optimal Life Chiropractic today at 651-447-8811 to schedule your appointment or browse our website for more information

Optimal Life Chiropractic Details

Optimal Life Chiropractic Main Category: Chiropractor

Additional Categories: Health consultant

The offices of Optimal Life Chiropractic is located at 1051 Helmo Ave N in Oakdale, Minnesota 55128

You can call and speak to our staff by dialing 651-447-8811


The average google rating of Optimal Life Chiropractic is 5.0, out of 158 total reviews. The average review rating and review distribution for Optimal Life Chiropractic can be found in the table below:
Review Breakdown for Optimal Life Chiropractic
Rating Number of Reviews
5 stars 157
4 stars 1
3 stars 0
2 stars 0
1 star 0
Total reviews 158
Overall Rating: 5.0 Stars

Google Map:
Click Here

The hours of operation for Optimal Life Chiropractic can be seen in the following table:
Opening Hours
Day Hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday 8:00 - 10:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 13:00, 15:00 - 18:00
Thursday 10:00 - 13:00, 15:00 - 18:00
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

If you are looking to contact us outside of our general business hours, you can reach us by visting out website or giving us a call. We look forward to serving you.

Optimal Life Chiropractic offers differenet accessability options when visiting.
wheelchair accessible entrance, wheelchair accessible parking, wheelchair accessible restroom, wheelchair accessible seating

recommends appointment

Place Topics:
health, pregnancy, results, neck, migraines, healing, dogs, chronic, plan, needs

44.9649076, -92.95133589999999

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