Father-Son Bonding Exercise is Tragic when One Falles off Cliff — Newsweek


A father has made a tribute to his son of 15 who plunged 120 feet to his death while walking with his family.

Khalil Ahmed 47, told police the bonding session along with his child Sami 15 on June 10 , when their outing the Lake District turned into a nightmare the picturesque Lake District in England’s northwest.

The father-of-four claimed to have previously climbed the nearby summit “The Old Man of Coniston” with Sami and a number of his uncles and cousins.

Sami Ahmed was laid to rest on the 13th of July 2022, following a fall in the river to die while walking with his family. The funeral was attended by his family and friends, as well as Dixons City Academy Principal Michael Feely The funeral took place at Scholemoor cemetery located in Bradford, England. Matthew Newby Matthew Newby, SWNS/Zenger

The teen, who was a full 10 seconds ahead and was walking with his family, decided to walk into the “dangerous” area of the terrain on his own after the teen lost his footing and plunged 35 meters (approximately 120 feet) to the ground, causing his death.

Ahmed stated that he didn’t have an clue what happened until he spoke to Sami’s relatives and learned that he wasn’t in their company.

“It was a family vacation in the days following Eid,” he said.

“We always participated in bonding exercises with the uncles, brothers and nephews. It was a wonderful time that transformed into an unimaginable nightmare.

Sami Ahmed on mountaintop
Sami Ahmed had a “wonderful character” and frequently assisted his father Khalil finish community service during his spare period of time. Matthew Newby, SWNS/Zenger

“We took the climb up Old Man of Coniston and later climbed Down Crag. The kids took 10 minutes more than us and were leading in the climb, yet they could be seen through our eyes.

“Unfortunately, Sami didn’t carry along the route that was the longest way around. The two of themchose a riskier route.

“They went towards Goat Lake and he lost his balance and fell. We were unaware that he had gone in that direction. It was only after I got to know them when I realized Sami wasn’t with them.

“They told me that he took in the opposite direction. But even then, I didn’t believe there was anything wrong that could happen.”

Ahmed who is from Bradford, England, said Sami was an “wonderful personality” and frequently helped Sami complete community projects in his spare time.

“Sami was an absolutely wonderful gentle, respectful boy who brought everyone a smile. His was a charming personality and was incredibly compassionate,” he said.

“The amazing part about having him as my son is that he would be there for me in every situation.

“We had weekly pick-ups of litter and Sami always joined us. Who is the teenager who comes out without asking me to help clean up the park.

“He was so aware that he was doing what is right.

“He did not stray to smoke cigarettes, or anything similar, and did not ever cause any trouble to anyone. Sami did not swear, it was never part of his persona.

Khalil Ahmed and son Sami
Khalil Ahmed stated that of his son Sami was an example for his family and would assist his mother in times of need. Matthew Newby is a SWNS/Zenger

Ahmed also stated that the son served as a model for his family and would aid his mom in times of illness in times of need.

“He recognized that his responsibility was also helping his mother. He did the washing and cleaning more than the girls. His bedroom was always spotless,” Ahmed said.

“He was a wonderful family man and a wonderful brother to his three older sisters as well as younger sister.

“He was not looking to be spotted for the expensive shoes or clothes. He wanted me to be careful not to spend too much on him.

“His friends have told me that even if they had bad days, and they were able to see Sami and his smiling face they thought that today was going to be a great day.”

“He was funny and witty. He would refer to me as KP since my head looks in a way that resembles the shape of a peanut. I’m sure I’ll be sad to hear him call me”KP..”

Sami was a student at Dixons City Academy in Bradford and played for the local team Phoenix FC and Thackley Lightning. He has three sisters aged six, 23 , and 25.

A local mother Ania Groborz-Manu told the newspaper that Sami was an “kind and funny soul” who will be missed by all who was around him.

“It was enjoyable watching your growth from Reception to Year 10. Your personality was such a sweet and funny person,” she said.

“You’ll be missed by all the people you’ve come across and made an impact on everyone you met.”

Shazana Mahmood has said: “I am deeply saddened by the events that have occurred.

“My child, Simrah, was in the same class as Sami and she has a hard time stopping talking about Sami. Sami will be missed deeply by everyone.”

Sameena Rashid also stated: “I can’t imagine what the parents must be going through.

He was a nice child, my daughter attended elementary school alongside him, and his home was in the neighborhood.”

Sami’s funeral, burial and funeral, that was attended by family friends, relatives along with Dixons City Academy Principal Michael Feely The funeral and burial took place at Scholemoor cemetery in Bradford on Wednesday.

Following the ceremony, the father declared that he was hoping to help children who have experienced loss of their parents sometime in the near future to preserve the legacy of his son.

It was developed in collaboration together with SWNS.

This article was made available by Zenger News to Newsweek through Zenger News.

A Father-Son Bonding exercise Goes tragic as one Falls Off Cliff
