How Does Caffeine Help Headaches? An expert explains – theSkimm


Finding out the best way to treat a headache may be a challenging task to tackle. This is due to the fact that there are numerous kinds of headaches (see the following categories: cluster headache, tension, migraine and many more) and a variety of treatments for each.

They were broken down with the assistance from Jessica Kruger, clinical assistant professor in the Department of Community Health and Health Behavior at the University at Buffalo.

What are the various kinds of headaches and how can I manage them?

Finding out what kind of headache that you’re suffering from is often the first step. However, the good news is: There are a variety of methods to treat every type of headache (including coffee).

Cluster headaches

Cluster headaches occur in regular cyclesand may happen frequently throughout the day for several months or weeks. The duration of each headache ranges anywhere from 15 minutes to 3 hours. The pain usually occurs located on the side or the top of your head. It’s and is often behind the eyes. It is common for those who drink alcohol or smoke often. You may notice that they’re often accompanied by a runny nose, or tearing.

Options for treating cluster headaches could be:

  • Preventive medication to avoid cluster headaches (including Injectable medication or other medications similar to lithium)

  • Oxygen therapy (a prescribed by a doctor) that includes breathing in oxygen through an air mask when suffering from the course of a cluster headache)


Migraines can be described as the sensation of throbbing on the one face and can last for until 72 hours. They may be caused by nausea or sensitiveness to sound and light. In most cases, they’re preluded by warning indicators known as “aura,” which can include:

  • Blind spots

  • The lights flashing in the sky

  • Ringing in your ears

  • Speech changes

There are many causes that could trigger migraines that can trigger migraines, from stress to hormonal changes, to bright lights. However, what triggers a migraine is different for each person. Therefore, experts suggest keeping a journal of migraines in which you record — and then identify the possible causes.

Options for treating migraines could include:

  • OTC pain relievers

  • Cold or hot compresses

  • Resting in a quiet, dark room

  • Try to avoid tyramine from your diet (which is present in fermented and smoked foods, alcohol-based drinks and aged cheeses and may increase your risk of suffering from migraines).

  • Caffeine

  • Preventative medication

Tension headaches

Tension headaches may feel like the sensation of tightness on your forehead or on the back part of the head(like an oversized tight hat). They can also be caused by tension and/or tension, tight muscles of the neck and the head.

Therapies to treat tension headaches may include:

Hypnic headaches

Hypnic headaches usually affect adults who are over 50. They’re commonly referred to as “alarm clock headaches because they occur at the same at night every single day. It can last between 15 minutes and four hours. Experts aren’t certain what triggers hypnotic headaches.

Treatment options for hypnotic headaches could be:

Sinus headaches

The sinus headache can cause tension and pain behind the eyes, cheeks the forehead, and the nose. It’s typically the result of sinus congestion, or a sinus infection.

The treatment options available for sinus headaches could be:

  • Warm compresses

  • A humidifier can be used to run

Does caffeine help headaches?

In smaller doses, caffeine may ease headaches, according to Kruger. That’s why you’ll frequently see it as a component in pain medications (think: Excedrin and Aspirin).

“The blood vessels shrink to stop flow of blood, which eases some of the discomfort suffers from headaches,” said Kruger.

Caffeine is a great remedy for tension, hypnotic as well as migraine headaches. However, if you’re thinking of the time that caffeine caused you headaches headache…you’d probably be correct. As a matter of fact, in addition to aiding headaches caffeine may also cause headaches.

The question is whether caffeine helps with headaches or cause headaches depends on the amount you take in. A few studies show that drinking one to two cups coffee (about 200 milligrams caffeine) daily can assist in preventing migraines. However, drinking excessive amounts of coffee could cause them.


Headaches can be a nuisance for no one. However, there are solutions that are available. There are pain medication available, from over-the-counter to alternative treatments such as Acupuncture. However, if you’re unsure which kind of headache you’re suffering from and home remedies don’t work If you’re experiencing frequent headaches call your doctor to call.