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Exercise as medicine Michigan Medicine


Believing in the benefits

As per the Exercise is Medicine group Regular physical activity is able to:

  • Reduce the chance of death and of recurrence breast cancer by about 50 percent

  • Reduce the chance from colon cancer nearly 60 percent

  • Reduce the chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease by around 40 percent

  • Reduce the risk of the heart and blood pressure issues by around 40 percent

  • Reduce the stroke risk by 27 percent

  • Reduce the chance for developing Type II Diabetes by percent

But, exercising is different for everyone according to Schuyten, who has a wide range of patients ranging starting from those who are looking to begin an exercise program that is safe for them to athletes who compete and artists (think figure skaters, dancers as well as gymnasts) who are looking to keep running at a high performance.

“The ideal thing to do is start engaging in sports early and keep it as a lifetime engagement,” said Schuyten, “but it’s never too late to begin.”

What ever type of sport you are interested in and regardless of your fitness levelbeginner, weekend warrior and competitive artist Schuyten offers crucial information.

Motion is the power

Physical activity is to be any kind of exercise that requires movement of the body , such as homework, stair climbing, or even gardening. exercise is a form of organized movement that focuses on aerobic or cardio that causes you to breathe deeply and your heart racing quick. This can include things as running cycling, walking at a rapid pace or hiking, as well as strengthening exercises.

“Both types of exercise can improve your well-being,” said Schuyten. However, just as important as the exercise or activity is knowing how to protect yourself from injuries. The most important thing is, according to her, to ensure that the exercise program is appropriate for you to be safe from injuries. It could mean speaking with an expert on exercise before beginning a workout program.

“Our aim for us at MedSport is to aid people who are undergoing any kind of exercise regimen, which is preventing injuries or aiding in the rehabilitation process following an injury or surgical process.”

Planing your actions

Low impact. for the typical person who is just beginning their journey, Schuyten recommends low impact activities like the elliptical, hiking or walking for 2 to three times per week. After that, increase the intensity of your cardio and exercise routines gradually to ensure your body is able to handle it.

*Strength training. “Light strength training can begin by lifting your body weight, which includes lunges, squats, and other fundamental exercises every other daily,” explained Schuyten. “These tend to be great starting points. Later, progress to adding weights that are light (2 or 3 pounds.) as well as exercise bands comfortable to use on joints. Make use of the time off during your day to observe how your body responds to the workout and adjust when needed.”

*Cardio. Cycling, running or stair climbing, or any other activity that tests your lungs and heart can be performed on a regular on a regular basis, according to Schuyten who cautions against “fad exercises” which require a significant amount of force or rapid, abrupt moves.

“Your body may not be ready for this kind of exercise. Begin slowly, to let your body get used to more vigorous exercises.”

The importance of stretching. Schuyten and her team insist on how important it is to stretch. This is often ignored by experienced and novice athletes.

“Warming your body with energetic stretches and light aerobics prepares your muscles for workouts, and also to prevent muscle tension and stress on your body, it is essential to vary the exercises. If we are only doing the same type of workout, then the outcome could be soreness or tightness throughout your body.”

Avoiding injury

Even the most avid athletes and artists are susceptible to injury, according to Schuyten. As the MedSport performing arts rehabilitation coordinator she has a lot of patients who remain active but aren’t necessarily utilizing the proper muscles to do high-level exercises.

“This is why adding other exercises outside of your usual routines of movement could be beneficial, however, performing correctly with your body mechanics is essential in addition,” said Schuyten. “Your posture may require adjustments, or if you suffer from an injury in the past that was not completely resolved, and you go back to full activity, or with a reduced level of activity, the previous symptoms could return.”

Professions have an important function

Schuyten recommends visiting an primary care physician, who can help you strengthen your physical or professional therapist to ensure you’re on the right track.

“We assist patients who suffer from tightness in certain areas like their neck, lower back or hamstrings. These areas must be addressed prior to starting a full-on training programme.”

In reality the U-M Health MedSport experts share their knowledge with doctors and physical therapists, physician assistants, nurses and athletic trainers along with other professionals, at an annually held MedSport ongoing education conference.

The 90-year-old Texas man is a paddler and cycles miles every day. Here’s his suggestion. – Caller Times

The 90-year-old Texas man is a paddler and cycles miles every day. Here's his suggestion. - Caller Times

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Ashlee Burns is a reporter covering the latest and breaking news from South Texas.

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New clinic is open for back as well as neck discomfort High Point Enterprise

New clinic is open for back as well as neck discomfort High Point Enterprise

HIGH POINT Novant Health has opened a new spine clinic in High Point to help patients who suffer from ongoing back as well as neck pain.

The aim of the newly opened clinic Novant Health Spine Specialists-HighPoint, located at 1226 Eastchester Drive, is to offer the most up-to-date non-surgical treatments along with pain relief therapies to help patients get back to their normal functioning and back to their normal routines, Novant said in a press announcement. The clinic will treat patients suffering from many different ailments, including those suffering from persistent joint pain that lasts for a long time at the neck back as well as hips and knee.

Although surgery might be suggested for certain patients Novant states that the new facility will be working with each patient to create an appropriate treatment plan. This could include referrals to rehabilitation therapy, pain injections, or a minimally-invasive procedure.

The staff at the clinic includes the Dr. Anuj Shah, who is an interventional pain management physician who is an anesthesiologist with board certification, and Christine Zdeb, an adult-gerontology nurse practitioner who is specialized in the management of pain.

“For the majority of us we aren’t aware or maybe take for granted how much we depend on our spine for support throughout the day,” Shah said. “That is, until the pain becomes a problem in our daily activities. The goal of the brand new facility is to target the root of the pain and assist our patients to get back on their feet.”

Novant Health Spine Specialists in High Point will see patients Tuesday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. To schedule an appointment, call 336-481-8670 or visit

The combination of exercise and diet isn’t enough to prevent Disease Research Shows The New York Times


New research has revealed that eating healthy and regularly scheduled exercises do not alone help to help prevent future health problems. They must be performed in conjunction.

The combination of exercise and health food does not suffice to stop chronic diseases as new research suggests. Contrary to what people believe that you cannot escape the consequences of poor nutrition -and healthy eating alone isn’t enough to fight off illness.

The majority of people realize that exercising and eating a balanced diet are crucial aspects to overall well-being. A major study that was published this week in British Journal of Sports Medicine shows that working out will not reverse the negative effects of eating fatty foods and mainlining kale isn’t able to eliminate sedentary behaviors.

“Sensationalized headlines and misguided advertisements for fitness regimens that draw consumers in with the notion of ‘working out in order to indulge in whatever they want has fueled the spread of the notion that exercise is a way to beat eating a poor diet and a bad diet,'” the authors of the study have written.

Animal studies in the past along with a handful of human studies have confirmed this and suggested that at least in the short run the strenuous exercise may counteract the effects of excessive eating.

A team of international researchers analyzed data from more than 350,000 people who were enrolled in the U.K. Biobank, an massive medical database that contains health data from all over Britain and then followed up for a decade. The participants in the study, who had a average age 55, had a healthy body at beginning of the study. This means they had not been diagnosed with diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease as well as chronic pain.

By analyzing self-reported questionnaires, experts broke down diets of people according to the quality of their food. For instance, diets that were high-quality included at minimum 4.5 cups of fruits and vegetables each day, and two or more portions of fish per week, and less than two portions of meat processed each week, and not greater than 5 servings of meat red each week. The study didn’t measure the consumption of non-essential foods such as desserts or soft drinks, stated Melody Ding, the lead study’s author and assistant professor of the University of Sydney.

Researchers also assessed the intensity of their activities using another questionnaire which inquired about the amount of time were walking or engaging in moderate physical activity such as carrying light weights or cycling at a steady pace, as well as intense physical activity which lasted for longer than 10 minutes at a stretch. The researchers claimed that this is the very first research to study fitness and diet in conjunction with general mortality as well as specific fatal diseases, such as cancer.

It’s not surprising that those who had the highest amounts of exercise as well as healthier diets were those with the lowest risk of death. The overall level of physical activity was linked to a lower risk of death, however, those who routinely took part in intense exerciseone which makes you break into sweat — experienced a significantly less risk of cardiovascular death due to heart disease. Even only between 10 and 75 minutes a week could make a distinction.

No matter what your diet is regardless of your diet, whatever your diet is. Ding said, “physical exercise is essential. Whatever your exercise is, eating a balanced diet is essential.”

“Any degree of fitness can be beneficial,” said Salvador Portugal who is a health expert in sports and an assistant instructor of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at NYU Langone Health who was not part of the research. But don’t just rely on your exercise routine to keep good health, he explained.

The findings confirm what many doctors have observed in their clinical practice, said the Dr. Tamanna Singh, co-director of the Sports Cardiology Center at Cleveland Clinic who wasn’t involved in the research. She said, for instance that there are many elements of heart health and “optimizing one aspect isn’t likely to improve your risk of developing cardiovascular disease.”

She is able to see patients who consider themselves as professional or amateur athletes, and they are shocked to suffer heart-related events, she added without weighing their diet. “Often they’ll call me right after an exercise and tell me”I train all day long. What caused me to have an attack of the heart?”

On the other hand on the other hand, those who had the healthiest diets in the study had significantly worse outcomes without any regular fitness routine.

However, it’s not a rule that says people shouldn’t indulge in a treat after exercising the doctor. Singh said. (She’s an avid marathon runner and is looking for nachos after running for a long time.) “If you’re, in the majority of cases conscious of what you do to your body, and deliberate about the way you exercise, then you’re performing enough.”

The study emphasizes the importance of looking at the food and exercise as a part of whole-body health said Dr. Ding said, instead of counting how many miles are required to “cancel out” the value of a cookie.

“It’s not only to burn calories.” the doctor said. “We have to change that mental model.”

Can sciatica hurt in your hip


Sciatica causes back, buttocks, and leg pain. Compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve can cause pain and other symptoms. Sciatica affects the lower back and hip. Seeing a doctor might help rule out other reasons for hip discomfort. Herniated disks, bone spurs, spinal stenosis, and tumors can cause sciatica. Sciatica treatment varies by cause. Pain from a herniated disk may go away on its own. Other situations may require surgery or medical intervention. If you have hip discomfort, see your doctor to identify the reason and therapy.

What does sciatica hip pain feel like?

Sciatica can be debilitating. This painful ailment can affect the leg, buttocks, and lower back, limiting daily activities. You can prevent or lessen sciatica symptoms, despite the discomfort. Doctors can prescribe painkillers.

Activity modification and pain medication are key sciatica treatments. Muscle relaxants and NSAIDs are popular. Opioids or muscle relaxants may be prescribed if these fail. In severe circumstances, drugs may be needed, but they’re best administered briefly. Sciatica treatments vary, and symptoms may come and go.

Sciatica causes burning and electric sensations, numbness, and limb numbness. Radiating pain can cause bladder or bowel dysfunction. In severe circumstances, irreparable harm can result. Visit a doctor immediately to diagnose sciatica.

How do you relieve sciatic pain in your hip?

Sciatica stretches help. These increase core strength and balance. They relieve pain. Side-to-side and prone-sit stretches are beginner-friendly. Kneeling or holding your breath will hinder these stretches. Twisting or bending your back will worsen the condition.

Best sciatica physical therapy involves relieving nerve compression. Heat or ice can help muscle spasm discomfort. This reduces edema, improves joint circulation, and speeds healing. If NSAIDs haven’t helped, try alternating hot and cold packs. Magnesium supplements are another option. Although helpful, these drugs shouldn’t replace medical care.

As the piriformis muscle is linked to sciatica, it produces hip pain. It moves the hips and thighs. Piriformis covers the back’s sciatic nerve. Daily strains and activities might cause sciatic nerve pain. Sciatica lasts from minutes to hours.

Does walking help sciatica?

Walking for sciatica has several benefits. Walking can reduce discomfort, but not always. Improper walking can cause spine tension and sciatic nerve irritation. To avoid this, walk with good posture and active abs. Core protects sciatic nerve roots. Keeping your head, shoulders, and gaze straight ahead might help you stay upright.

Sciatica is normally painless, but acute inflammation lasts a few days. If you can’t, ask your doctor about alternatives. Before walking, consult your doctor. Walking improves health and mobility. If your doctor approves, walk!

Should I push through sciatic pain?

Several exercises can alleviate hip sciatica. Stretching may help. Raise one foot off the floor while seated. Chairs and ottomans are other options. Elevated surface should be below hip level. Bend your knees. As needed. Repetition is required.

This pressure can cause minutes or hours-long symptoms. Sciatica is usually caused by a lower back disk problem. However, other disorders can generate the same symptoms.

Standing stretches also help with hip pain. These can be done solo. Place your feet 24 inches from a wall and cross one leg over the other. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds while bending your hips and waist. Sitting with legs stretched out is another leg stretch.

What should you not do with sciatica?

If you are suffering from sciatica in your hip, there are several things you should not do. The pain and discomfort are caused by a damaged disk in your spine, which puts pressure on the sciatic nerve, causing it to become pinched. Typically, sciatica will begin in the lower back and travel down the leg and foot. One exercise that you should avoid is bent-over rowing, as this can put strain on your back and hip.

Sitting for long periods increases pressure on the sciatic nerve, which runs below your gluteus muscles. Avoid soft sofas and chairs that cause pressure on this nerve, as these can make it worse. Try walking or using a treadmill set to a low speed. If you have sciatica in your hip, don’t sit for long periods on hard surfaces, such as your desk. Walking helps release the pressure on the sciatic nerve.

What are the stages of sciatica pain?

Sciatica causes numbness and pain in the legs, buttocks, and lower back caused by pinched nerves. Some varieties of sciatica are mild and fade away on their own, but others can cause paralysis. Sciatica might persist for a few days or weeks.

Sciatica has three mild-to-severe phases. Sciatica’s early, severe form is non-threatening. Nerve irritation symptoms lead the discomfort. Lower back discomfort usually spreads to the buttocks, hamstrings, and lower legs. Sciatica is sometimes caused by a herniated disk, bone spur, or spinal constriction. Sciatic nerve compression causes leg pain, numbness, and inflammation. In most situations, non-operative treatment is enough. However, symptoms can cause bowel or bladder abnormalities and leg weakness.

If over-the-counter painkillers don’t help, your doctor may order a spine MRI or piriformis muscle scan. To rule out sciatica, imaging studies may be needed. If you have questions, make an appointment with a doctor.

How do you know when sciatica is serious?

Sciatica symptoms depend on the underlying cause. Ask your doctor about your symptoms, severity, pain location, and onset. Doctors can ask for tests and recommend treatments. X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans might identify painful bone abnormalities. MRIs use radio waves and magnets to view organs and tissues.

Sciatica discomfort can be dangerous. It can be caused by a herniated disk or another spinal cord problem. Sciatica is often accompanied by a fever or bodily ache. Consult a doctor if sciatica pain worries you. Sciatica typically affects 30s and 40s-year-olds. Sedentary lifestyles cause sciatica.

When is sciatica an emergency?

Sciatica causes discomfort in the back of the leg, buttocks, and calves. Sharp, electric, or dull leg pain might be made worse by bending, coughing, or twisting. Sciatica is a medical emergency since it affects the spine.

In emergencies, seek medical help. If you have bowel or bladder control issues or severe discomfort, seek same-day care. Pain could require surgery. If you feel worse, see your doctor. Your primary care provider can do physical exams and prescribe imaging tests. Sciatica patients may need surgery.

X-rays of the spine may be ordered if your doctor suspects sciatica. A CT scan and MRI can show if a bone or disk is pressing on a nerve. MRIs are ideal for diagnosing herniated disks. MRIs are ordered if your doctor detects another cause.

Why do I feel hip pain if sciatica occurs in my spine?

Hip pain and back pain are one of the symptoms of sciatica. Your lower back, hips, and legs are connected by two sciatic nerves. In severe circumstances, a herniated disk or bone spur can cause pain from your lower back to your foot.

Sciatica can be subtle or severe. It normally affects one side at a time. When you cough or sneeze, the pain may get worse, and your hip and buttock may go numb. Hip pain is a dull pain in your back, hips, and buttocks. Numbness or tingling anywhere along the nerve. Weakness in your leg.

Driving long distances might be difficult with sciatica since you can’t alter posture to relieve nerve pressure. Your affected leg may feel weak or unstable when you initially start walking.

How do you relieve sciatic nerve pain?

Heat and cold help relieve sciatic nerve discomfort. Heat reduces inflammation, whereas ice reduces discomfort (which speeds healing). Heat and ice can alleviate sciatica-related muscular spasms.

Can sciatica go away with physical therapy?

Even though the compression of one of your sciatic nerves can be a literal “pain in the butt,” it is not always necessary to seek medical assistance for the condition. On the other hand, physical therapy may be the most effective treatment option for eradicating sciatica symptoms once and for all. Sciatica physical therapy begins with an evaluation by a physical therapist, followed by a tailored rehabilitation program that may last 4 to 12 weeks or more.

What Is the Fastest Way to Relieve a Tension Headache?


If you’re wondering what helps tension headaches as fast as possible, then you’ve come to the right place. This article will provide answers to the questions How to Get Rid of a Tension Headache?, How to Get Rid of a Headache in 10 Seconds, and How Long Does a Tension Headache Last?. Here’s how to relax while using these techniques to relieve the pain and tension in your head.

Read More About What Is the Fastest Way to Relieve a Tension Headache

What muscles can be stretched to loosen up tension in your head(qm]

More Things To Know About What Is the Fastest Way to Relieve a Tension Headache

What Helps Tension Headaches ASAP?

What Is the Fastest Way to Relieve a Tension Headache(qm]

One of the most important questions you need to ask yourself is: what causes tension headaches? Tension headaches can be caused by a wide variety of factors, including high blood pressure, inflammation, and abnormal intracranial pressure. There are also other possible causes, such as brain tumors or traumatic brain injury. Your doctor can diagnose tension headaches by running through your history and performing imaging tests, as needed. To help manage your headaches, you should keep track of what triggers them and how often you experience them.

While tension-type headaches are benign, they can affect every aspect of your life. They can lead to missed workdays, reduced productivity, and even disability. While there is no known cause for tension-type headaches, the majority of people suffer from them at some point in their lives. Most cases are non-throbbing, mild to moderate in intensity, and bilateral. In some cases, the headaches do not get worse as you work or play. Researchers have linked the condition to excess suboccipital tone or tight neck muscles. Manual therapy is a common treatment, and many studies support this.

How Do You Get Rid of a Headache in 10 Seconds?

Whether you’re suffering from a constant tension headache or a mild one, you can find a simple remedy to ease the pain. Try applying a little pressure with your thumbs to the occipital ridge of your head. Repeat the process several times until you feel the muscles release. Whether you’re experiencing a tension headache due to stress, tension, or simply a lack of sleep, you can find a natural solution in a simple exercise.

Another way to get rid of a tension headache in ten seconds is to use a pressure point. This particular pressure point is located behind the head at the gates of consciousness. Massaging this point for 20 to 30 seconds with the thumbs will relieve the pain. Try to avoid using a hard pressure point. If you can’t find any good pressure points on your head, use your fingers to massage the area. Apply pressure to this area for a few minutes a day.

How Long Will Tension Headaches Take to Go Away?

One of the most common questions regarding tension headaches is, “How long will they go away?” A person suffering from a constant headache may be unable to function at their best. The answer will vary from person to person, but there are several common solutions. You can try reducing your stress by taking regular breaks from your work or studying. A good way to get some relaxation is to take up yoga or biofeedback training. This will help you to identify any imbalances in your muscles.

Chronic tension-type headaches are a common problem among individuals with stress. Symptoms can last for days or even weeks. They can be continuous or episodic, and they often have no other symptoms. While chronic tension headaches are not dangerous, they are annoying. They can be an indication of an underlying disease, such as a tumor or other ailment. Chronic migraines should not be ignored unless they become so severe that they affect your lifestyle.

How Do You Lose Tension in Your Head?

To learn how to loosen tension in your head, stretch your neck muscles. The neck and head have many muscles that contribute to proper posture and help fight off head pain. A forward head position and rounded shoulders cause unbalanced length-tension relationships. The following exercises will loosen up the muscles in your neck and head. Try one or all of them to reduce the tension in your head and neck.

What Pressure Points Help Headaches?

One of the most common questions posed by people suffering from headaches is: What pressure points help tension headaches? The right answer to this question depends on the specific pain and severity of your headache. In general, pressure points can relieve pain by reducing tension. If you are not sure which one to use, try pressing with your fingers on the outside of your lower leg. Apply firm pressure to the area and then make circular motions.

Some people find that massaging the third eye, located between the eyebrows and the bridge of the nose, helps to relieve tension headaches. The thumb of one hand is a common pressure point that can be stimulated using the same method. A circular motion with firm pressure can relieve pain and reduce dizziness. A thumb firmly applied on this point can relieve tension headaches and other conditions associated with sinus pressure. Alternatively, some people find that massaging the third eye with their thumbs works wonders for their headaches.

How Can I Relieve Tension in My Neck and Shoulder Muscles?

There are a number of things you can do to relieve tension in your neck and shoulder muscles. One of the easiest is to take a break from any activity that’s causing you stress or anger. You should also try to maintain good posture, which will help reduce muscle tension. You should also consider taking a hot bath or shower, as this can relax your muscles. There are many wonderful products on the market that claim they can help relieve pain and tension in your neck and shoulder area, so if these methods don’t work for you, it may be worth trying one of those out!

Is it normal to get headaches everyday?

“Your (aging) body is a wonderland”



With apologies to John Mayer who, like the rest of us, is not getting any younger.

– – –

We have the afternoon
You have this exam room
We still have one thing to do
Diagnose these
symptoms, they are new

A mile to every inch of
My skin tags, please don’t choke
That thing on my lip, right?
Do you need a biopsy?

Find a top document
To heal us
you will handle it
Cut away the sugar
And noodles
What about the quality of life?

Your aging body is a wonderland
It’s a medical miracle and mine is just as bad
Your body is a wonderland

Something about the way my hair falls out every day
Doc gives me a pill to keep the eczema at bay
She tells me where to go
A cardiac referral
This back pain is such a burden
Could I have an epidural?

Kidney stones
You are painful
Swim in a deep sea
From codeine
Can’t see anything now
It will take a while to fix me

My aging body is a wonderland
It’s a medical miracle, feel my glands
My Gen X body is a wonderland
(Carpal tunnel again
I can’t use my hands)

damn baby
you frustrate me
I know you’re mine, all mine, all mine
But that move you made just broke my back

Your aging body is a wonderland (you’ll never sleep again)
It’s a medical miracle, time for one CAT scan
My aging body is a wonderland (my knee’s blown again, again)

Our aging bodies are a wonderland (arthritic hands)


Relieving Headaches from Frequent Migraine is possible: Learn your options – Atrium Health

Relieving Headaches from Frequent Migraine is possible: Learn your options - Atrium Health

If you’ve ever suffered from an attack of migraine, you’re aware how painful and debilitating they can be.

“One of five Americans suffers from migraine headaches and it’s among the leading factors that cause disability throughout the United States,” says Dr. Nauman Tariq, a neurologist and head of the Headache and Facial Pain Clinic at Atrium Health Neurosciences Institute. “Approximately 40 % of Americans suffer from migraines.”

As we celebrate National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month It is important to be aware of the symptoms and signs of migraine and what to do in the event that you are experiencing headaches regularly.

What exactly is a migraine?

Tariq claims that migraines can be classified into chronic and episodic migraines.

  • episodic migraines: Less than 15 migraine days per month
  • chronic migraines: At least 15 days of migraines for a period of three months

He estimates that about two percent of Americans suffer from chronic migraines. It is more frequent in women, and it is more prevalent at around the age of 30.

“Chronic migraines can be associated with greater disability because of frequent attacks as well as the inability to recover between migraine attacks” claims Heather Nelson, NP, an adult-gerontology nurse practitioner at Atrium Health Neurology. “Chronic migraines can often be more resistant to lifestyle changes and medications.”

Understanding Migraine Symptoms

“A migraine is fundamentally an unrelieved headache that is caused by vomiting, sensitization lights and sounds, as well as an intense, throbbing pain.” claims Tariq.

The four phases are distinct of the migraine attack. The headache pain is only one of the four phases.

The phases of migraine comprise:

  • Prodrome phase:

    A lot of patients notice warning signs prior to the attack of migraine. The symptoms may be present over a period of 24 to 48 hours prior to the beginning of headache. The most common symptoms are:

    • Neck neck pain
    • Irritability
    • Fatigue
    • Then you’ll be yawning.
    • Urinary frequency increases
    • Food cravings
    • Gastrointestinal upset (diarrhea, bloating, constipation)
    • Sensitivity to sound, light or odors
    • Problems with concentration and focus
    • Anxiety
    • Sleep disturbances that disrupt sleep patterns

  • Aura phase

    The presence of migraine aura is seen at least 30% of migraine sufferers who have attacks. Migraine auras can be a sensory or visual incident that lasts for up to five minutes prior to the onset of a migraine. The symptoms are:

    • Tingling in your hands or on the face
    • Blind spots
    • Light flashes
    • Other vision alters

  • Headache Phase:

    Some of the symptoms are:

    • Extreme to moderate pain
    • Unilateral pain location
    • Pulsating/throbbing pain sensation
    • The pain in the head is worsened by routine physical exercise
    • Nausea (with or without vomiting)
    • Sensitivity to sound and light

  • Postdrome phase

    In this phase, headache pain will have gone away but the uncomfortable symptoms of migraine can persist for a while, including:

    • Fatigue
    • Neck discomfort
    • Irritability
    • The difficulty of concentration

Migraine headaches are typically linked to “sinus symptoms” like nasal congestion, facial pain or clear sinus drainage.

Don’t ignore symptoms of migraine that are painful.

“Migraine attacks can cause lower productivity at work, less time with loved ones and relatives as well as a reduction in activities and a huge emotional cost on those suffering from these attacks,” says Nelson.

She claims that as high as 50% of those suffering from migraine headaches don’t seek medical treatment.

“I have many patients at my clinic who are suffering with a daily, chronic headache for years , which they thought was just an ordinary headache,” says Nelson. “It’s not common to have daily headaches. I strongly suggest that those who experience regular headaches to get an assessment through neurology because there are numerous treatments that can ease headache-free days back to your daily routine.”

The treatment for chronic migraines

Treating chronic migraines is a mix of medication and lifestyle alternatives.

The treatment of migraine is divided into two major categories:

  • Acute/abortive treatment to prevent migraine attacks whenever they occur.
  • Preventive treatment to decrease the number of migraine attacks

“There is no cure currently available to cure migraine headaches” states Nelson. “However there are many solutions available to reduce the frequency of attacks, duration of migraine pain, and lessen the symptoms that cause migraine. They can provide patients with relief.”

Lifestyle Modifications to Migraine Management

Tariq says that the primary option for migraine management is to implement certain lifestyle changes. Certain changes in behavior can assist in managing migraines including:

  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Sleeping in a sufficient amount
  • Consuming regular meals
  • Beware of fasting during periods when you are not eating.
  • Consistently taking in large amounts of caffeine
  • Exercising regularly
  • Avoiding the over-use of prescription drugs to treat migraines
  • Integrating relaxation techniques Biofeedback, massage therapy, and Acupuncture

“These modifications help a lot of patients who don’t have the need to take any medication,” says Tariq. “If these lifestyle changes don’t help the patient, then prescription medications are the best option. If migraines are becoming more frequent, it is recommended to see a physician to seek treatment.”

Nelson often suggests over-the-counter magnesium oxide (400 mg) supplements to patients. She claims that this supplement is particularly beneficial to those who suffer from migraines that cause auras.

Abortive (as-needed) Medicines for Migraine Management

In the last few years, numerous innovative, targeted migraine treatments were approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat prevention and abortive migraine treatment.

“Many of these medications have had a profound impact on patients suffering with migraines,” says Nelson.

The majority of abortive (as-needed) medication is made as tablets intended for oral use, however, there are also injectables sprays, and tablets that dissolve.

“The most important thing is to take medication right away upon the first sign of headache,” Tariq says. Tariq. “The longer you put off longer, the more difficult it will be for the medications to stop your migraine.”

There are also medicines to alleviate vomiting and nausea that are associated with migraine attacks.

“Treatment for nausea vital in managing migraines since those who suffer from severe nausea and vomiting are more susceptible to dehydration, which could exacerbate the migraine pattern,” says Nelson.

Preventive Treatment for Migraine Attacks

“Until 2018 we didn’t have any medication specifically designed to prevent migraine headaches,” says Nelson.

There are many classes of medication which have been shown to reduce migraine frequency which include:

  • Calcitonin gene-related protein (CGRP) inhibitors
  • Beta-blockers
  • Calcium channel blockers
  • Antidepressants
  • Anti-seizure medications
  • Botox

Although these treatments have many advantages, they also come with a number of negative side adverse effects. Furthermore, preventive treatments usually require between 2 and 3 months of regular usage to show outcomes.

Alternatives to treatment for migraine that are drug-free

Neuromodulation therapies, also known as devices that utilize electricity to change nerve activity within the human body. These are drug-free alternatives that have become more popular in recent years.

“Although these devices aren’t considered to be a first-line treatment for migraine issues at present but they’re an appealing option for patients who are not tolerant the effects of or do not want to use the use of prescription medications,” says Nelson. “Many options aren’t insured by insurance and their costs can be prohibitive to patients who would like to explore these alternatives.”

In-Nation First-in-Nation Migraine Clinical Trials

Another alternative to migraine treatment without drugs is the Atrium Health CALM (cooling to relieve migraine) clinical trial, conducted by Tariq. Atrium Health is the first in the United States to provide this study.

“During the procedure each patient is fitted with a machine that delivers dehumidified air to their nasal cavity for 15 to 20 minutes” Dr. A.S. says. “The air melts the mucus in inside the nose cavity resulting in cooling of the nerves that cause migraines. The purpose of this treatment is to eliminate migraine headaches within two hours after using this device.”

Tariq claims that the results of earlier studies are promising.

“We were looking to create an alternative treatment that doesn’t have the usual side effects associated with oral medicines,” he says. “We conducted a study pilot of 50 patients. The study has been published 2021. The results were very impressive in general. We also have safety information from a different study that has been published. All patients who participated in the study had adverse reactions. Overall, it was an extremely safe procedure that was conducted in a secure setting by researchers.”

It is available to those who

  • Have periodic migraines (fewer then 15 migraines per month) lasting for at least one year
  • Are between 18 to 80
  • Living within 50 miles of the Atrium Health Headache and Facial Pain Clinic in downtown Charlotte

At present, the treatment is only available in clinics however Tariq claims a handheld at-home device is in process. The device is expected to be available to patients by close in the calendar year.

“We improve science through trying out new therapies,” says Tariq. “We are extremely grateful to the patients who participate in these studies.”

Find out more details about the CALM Clinical trial.

The 7 Most Effective Seat Cushions 2022 – Supportive Office Chair Pillows Cosmopolitan

The 7 Most Effective Seat Cushions 2022 - Supportive Office Chair Pillows Cosmopolitan

When buying a brand fresh ergonomic office chair to your WFH setup will require you to spend a lot of money but a comfortable cushion for your seat will not cost you back at all. They’re very worthwhile and you can be sure. Like the Dr. Jaffe points out, even the simplest chair is upgraded once you upgrade it with the right cushion.

What is it that makes a great seat cushion? Here’s what to remember when looking for the perfect ergonomic seat.

Find the correct content for your needs

The majority of cushions for seats are constructed using memory foam, high-density gel or foam or a mix of both. Similar to when you shop to buy a mattress the kind of cushion you select is contingent on your personal preference. “Many people love memory foam cushions due to the fact that they offer good support and conform to the body’s shape and size,” Dr. Jaffe says, but they can become a little hot. Gel is a great way to reduce heat, but is typically more firm in comparison to foam. You’re not sure which one you prefer? Take a few different cushions and test them to see if you like them all.

Make sure that it’s thick

There are many different types of gel and foam cushions. Not all cushions are made equally and there’s nothing worse than a cushion for your seat which turns into a pancake as soon as it touches your tush. Gel cushions are generally heavier, so if believe that memory foam is too thin for your body or requirements, then it is best to take this way. Reviewing reviews can aid you in determining which cushions best suit your body and which ones stand the tests of time.

Look out for additional features

Most cushions can’t be washed by machines due to the gel or foam filling So, you’ll need to select one with a removableand washable cover or it’ll become soiled. Other features that make an excellent cushion are straps with elastic or non-slip bottoms to hold the cushions in position and handles for ease of transport when you want to take your cushion out on the road.

“Neck pain is gone” The most well-known gel pillows available on Amazon are priced at $16 on Prime Day – AOL


Did you get up in the morning? Perhaps a knot within your neck wake you prior to your alarm going off? If you’re sleeping not at all comfortable you should give yourself a brand new pillows. Amazon Prime Day is the ideal time to get an amazing deal on pillows and any other products you require. The prices are particularly good this year, as sellers sell excess stock ordered prior to the outbreak when expenditure was at its highest which has slowing this year since inflation has increased. The result? Incredible deals to get rid of surplus stock. Beckham Hotel Collection pillows, which are a gel-filled pillow that has an elitist following They are priced at just $16 for Prime Day, but only through 8:30 EDT on the night!

The majority of us change our beds regularly. We may even purchase the latest mattress or mattress covers occasionally. However, pillows tend to stay put. This is an issue. The shape of pillows changes over time, and can put you at a higher chance of suffering from neck discomfort. There are times when you wake up with intense pain. Other times, it’s so subtle that you don’t even notice until you’re experiencing an issue. In addition pillows may harbor unpleasant dust mites, increasing the likelihood of waking up exhausted.

Support meets comfort

Are you prone to moving around during the in the night? The pillows’ design that doesn’t shift reduces the amount of the likelihood of clumps and distortion. The combination with breathable and cooling cotton are great for controlling your temperatureThe pillows are used during the winter, spring and summer months, as well as in the autumn.

They’re also chemical- and allergen-free and won’t discolor or discolor over time. If you’re looking to freshen them up, simply throw them in the washer and they’ll be fresh and in good form. Yes, they’re machine washable!

Switch out your pillows and improve your sleeping. (Photo: Amazon)

No more pain

A large number of people have provided this pillow with more than 105,000 five-star reviewsand turned the pillow into Amazon No. 1 bestselling bed pillow. Many people say it is the best pillow for relieving neck discomfort.

“I bought two queen and two king pillows for me as well as my wife and young son.” wrote one reviewer with five stars. “We are all extremely satisfied with the pillows. My neck pain has gone away and I’m sleeping much better. They keep their shape for 100 percent ( they have been in our home for six months). … It is crucial to be comfortable at this time in our lives, and these pillows are a great way to get the best!”

We are looking for sleepers with a discerning style.

Another person wrote: “My boyfriend, who is the most picky person I know, gave this pillow 10/10 which is a significant number considering that he’s found flaws in every product. It holds its shape and is able to support your head while being soft and comfortable. In the evening, I am able to am prone to rolling around as an ox in the mud, and this pillow is comfortable in any position.”

Self-described “pillow Snob” says this set is “perfection,” adding, “they are cool which is especially true for South Florida that is important because it’s scorching hot all of the times.”

Our take: Good sleep is essential. This pillow will give you a good night’s sleep. What are you waiting for?

If you’re still not already Amazon Prime member, sign today to gain exclusive Members-only benefits to Prime Day deals. Click here to sign up for a no-cost 30 day trial.

The reviews mentioned above are the most current versions available at the time of their publication.

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