Department of Labor Announces New Cybersecurity Training Partnership with Baltimore Cyber Range
ANNAPOLIS, MD—The Maryland Department of Emergency Management (MDEM) and in collaboration with Cabinet agencies, held an exercise for cybersecurity across the state on Tuesday in the State House. These exercises enable critical partners to talk about plans, policies and procedures to discover and fix possible vulnerabilities or issues to prepare for the event of a cyber-attack. Through exercises, attendees concentrated on interagency coordination and collaboration in the preparation and response to cybersecurity incidents.
“These Tabletop exercise are yet another great example of the Administration’s effort to co-ordinate cybersecurity preparation and respond across the entire State,” said Lt. Governor Boyd Rutherford, who took part in the exercise. “The significance of exercise such as this as well as the co-operation among the participants is not overstated.”
Participants worked through a cyber-security scenario that recreated an actual cyber attack and tested the security plans and processes of state-run organizations. The scenario was created by State Chief Information Security Officer (SCISO), the State Chief Information Security Officer (SCISO), State Chief Data Officer, State Chief Privacy Officer as well as exercise coordinators at MDEM.
“It’s hard to quantify the importance of conducting collaborative practice exercises across the state, like the one we did this morning,” said SCISO Chip Stewart. “By having representatives from all of the governor’s cabinet agencies, we’ve got an opportunity to discover weaknesses and strengthen our response methods prior to a cyber-related incident.”
New Cybersecurity Training Partnership. In coordination with today’s exercise The Maryland Department of Labor declared that the funds through the Employment Advancement Right Now (EARN) Maryland program will be used to offer cybersecurity-related training for State employees. Together together with Maryland Department of Information Technology (DoIT), EARN grantee Baltimore Cyber Range LLC (Baltimore Cyber) will offer cybersecurity education to state employees for 100 hours.
“EARN Maryland has been nationally-recognized for its industry-driven approach, which has proven successful in cultivating a highly-skilled workforce for the private sector,” said Secretary Tiffany P. Robinson. “But with the constantly evolving cybersecurity threats to the state’s federal government, I’m happy we have the ability to invest in the education and upskilling of our cyber workforce using these funds.”
“We appreciate the chance to provide the Information Technology employees across the state agencies with education as well as the knowledge and the knowledge to tackle the cyber threats of today and defend from the challenges of tomorrow’s cybersecurity,” said Baltimore Cyber’s Chairman Bruce Spector. “Our training will ensure the Information Technology teams are prepared to recognize, reduce and address the threat of future and current attacks quickly and in a cost-effective way. We appreciate Governor Hogan’s efforts in training the people in the frontline of cybersecurity in our state.”

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