A 22-year-old’s headache is a an indication of brain hemorrhage due to a rare blood vessel condition A rare blood vessel condition Yahoo News

A 22-year-old's headache is a an indication of brain hemorrhage due to a rare blood vessel condition A rare blood vessel condition Yahoo News

A college student aged 22 was put on life support following an injury to the brain that occurred on a spring break trip to Mexico.

Liza Burke, a senior at the University of Georgia, traveled to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico with companions and was struck by an emergency medical situation, NBC affiliate 11Alive, one of the local stations located in Atlanta, Georgia, reported on the 13th of March.

Liza Burke, a 22-year-old college student, was struck by an injury to her brain on the spring break trip to Mexico. (11Alive on YouTube)

When she was eating breakfast with acquaintances on the 10th of March, Burke said she had headaches and went back in her hotel to fall asleep. Later, her friends showed up and asked for help when they could not awake Burke.

The student was later transported by ambulance to the local medical center, where the doctor diagnosed her with an arteriovenous malformations, that led to bleeding in her brain, according to according to a statement posted on Burke’s GoFundMe page stated.

“She is currently receiving life-support. Family members and doctors are working to provide her with the highest quality medical care that’s possible,” the statement posted on March 13 read.

On 14 March, the NBC affiliate informed the public that Burke was transported into her home in the United States. The hospital where she is receiving treatment is the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. The Burke’s parents also are in the hospital with their daughter.

Mama Laura McKeithen told 11Alive the medical team is hopeful that her daughter will heal.

“They were planning to take her to an MRI and possibly other tests, perhaps an echocardiogram” McKeithen said.

She also said, “They said it would be quite a good time to really get an idea of what’s happening.”

Doctors confirmed that the 22-year-old suffered an injury in her middle brain, as per her mother.

“So as far as locations where it can bleeding, it’s not the ideal situation however it’s not the most dangerous thing,” Burke’s mom said. “I’m grateful to be in a reputable hospital with all the equipment they require and the knowledge to look after her.”

In the 11Alive report, Burke’s sibling passed away in 2008 due to the rare genetic disorder. McKeithen spoke of Burke’s current condition as her “worst anxiety because I’ve experienced this occur before.”

However, she’s trying to be patient while she awaits the outcome of the medical emergency affecting her daughter.

“However how long it takes,” she said, “as as long as she’s in good health.”

Burke appears to be showing signs of improvement. McKeithen wrote: “I started talking to her and I asked for her hand to be squeezed. She did so. The unit for intensive care pretty all went into a frenzy. Then everyone was extremely happy.”

She also expressed gratitude to the support the family received from Burke’s GoFundMe account. The page has surpassed the goal of $40,000, and has at more than $140,000 in donations.

On the paper, the the organizer Jennifer Ritter, one of Burke’s closest friends said that Burke “has plenty left to offer for the rest of humanity.”

“Please continue to ask for prayers for her recovery fully,” Ritter said.

McKeithen requested prayers, too. “So to date, everything the energy out there in the universe appears to be working in her favor So I’d say continue doing what you can,” she told the NBC affiliate.

The proud mom was elated by Burke and stated, “She is the best daughter you could ever get.”

Arteriovenous malformations also referred to as AVMs are caused when blood vessels get stuck and then incorrectly couple to veins and arteries which hinder the flow of blood and oxygen according to Mayo Clinic.

The blood vessels could be damaged or ruptured which can cause strokes, bleeding from the brain strokes or brain injury.

As per Johns Hopkins Medicine, “Most people suffering from AVMs don’t have any symptoms or issues.” Medical professionals don’t know what triggers arteriovenous malformations that cause them to occur.

This article first appeared on TODAY.com