Researchers Crack the Code and identify a serious pathology in low Back Pain PR Newswire


Chiropractic researchers have investigated the causes the reasons for an increase in cases of serious pathologies like cancer. Researchers from the CDAHK were able to solve the mystery and estimated the frequency and kinds of pathologies serious to people suffering from lower back discomfort.

NEW YORK, Sept. 16, 2022/PRNewswire — “One advantage to this type of examination is that it gives the opportunity to participate in more focused discussions that address the serious pathology that manifests as low back pain, which could be able to bring the long-term health benefits that health policy makers,” Eric Chun-Pu Chu PhD, researcher and chairman of the Chiropractic Doctors Association of Hong Kong (CDAHK).

To fill in this knowledge gap researchers have trained and validated the algorithm for data on 7221 patients to aid in the prevention of disease as well as early detection and treatment.

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The research comprised of information from 30 clinics that had the presence of 38 chiropractors from the CDAHK between January 2020 between January 2020 and the end of July in 2022. Descriptive statistics were used to examine the findings of 721 patients who were identified as having new-onset low back discomfort.

The study showed that serious pathology was not common in adults suffering from new low back pain that required chiropractic care. It was calculated that there is one serious case that is diagnosed per chiropractor for each 34 month. It was reported in Medical Science Monitor.

CDAHK is the biggest Chiropractic Professional organisation within Hong Kong. CDAHK is actively been involved in all types of chiropractic activities as well as public health-related events since it was established. In 2022, with support of local chiropractors Dr. Chu had published more than twenty-five chiropractic research studies (2-24) and won many awards, including the Breast Feeding Initiative Award from United Nation Children’s Fund, and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Achievement Awards Hong Kong.

“CDAHK is the largest chiropractic Association across Asia. Our methodology further validates the prior data, incorporating the development of new technology and policies.” Dr. Jacky Yeung, PR of CDAHK discussed. The research currently being conducted will help chiropractors to identify grave pathologies, like cancer, that are more commonly seen in chiropractic clinics. The CDAHK is able to share information about the research to the public through our educational campaigns like for example, the World Spine Day.

Papers of reference:
1. Chu EC, Trager RJ. Prevalence of Serious Pathology among People with Back Pain in the Adults Presenting for Chiropractic Treatment A Retrospective Chart Review of Integrative Clinics located in Hong Kong. Med Sci Monit. 2022 Aug 2;28:e938042.
2. Chu EC, Trager RJ. A 60-year-old Man with Gingivitis and poorly controlled diabetes Finding Low Back Pain One Week After Recovery from COVID-19. Diagnosed with spinal Abscess Caused by Streptococcus oralis. Am J Case Rep. 2022 Sep 4;23:e937517.
3. Chu EC, Trager RJ, Lai CR, Shum JSF. Metastatic Recurrent breast Cancer Diagnosed by the Chiropractic Office: Case Report and Literature Review. Am J Case Rep. 2022 Sep 4;23:e937609.
4. Chu EC. Neuromuscular scoliosis that occurs in the presence of spina Bifida Occlusa and the transitional lumbosacral vertebra An account of a case. Radiol Case Rep. 2022 Sep;17(9):3260-3265.
5. Chu EC, Trager RJ. The efficacy of multimodal Chiropractic Treatment that includes Spinal Manipulation to treat persistent spinal pain Syndrome following Lumbar surgery for the spine: A Retrospective Chart Review of 31 Adults from Hong Kong. Med Sci Monit. 2022 Aug 2;28:e937640.
6. Chu EC. Reducing Cervical Retrolisthesis with Long-Term , Monthly Chiropractic Maintenance Care An Case Study. J Med Cases. 2022 Jul;13(7):359-364.
7. Chu EC. Shoulder injury due to Vaccine Administration (SIRVA) in 16 patients following COVID-19 vaccination who presented to Chiropractic, orthopedic, as well as Physiotherapy Clinics within Hong Kong During 2021. Med Sci Monit. 2022 July 11, 28: e937430.
8. Chu EC, Trager RJ, Shum JSF, Lai CR. Pancoast Tumor Presenting as Neck pain at the Chiropractic Office The Clinical Report along with a Literature Review. Am J Case Rep. 2022 Jul 7;23:e937052.
9. Chu EC, Trager RJ, Chen ATC. The Conservative Management of low back pain due to an unresectable aggressive sacral hemangioma An Case Report. Am J Case Rep. 2022 Jun 23;23:e936984.
10. Chu EC. Aortic aneurysm of the abdominal region that was diagnosed with herniation of the lumbar disc in acute fashion A case report. J Med Life. 2022 Jun;15(6):871-875.
11. Chin W, Chu EC, Chiang R. Screening and Diagnosing Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal women in primary care settings within Malaysia in a Systematic Review. Maedica (Bucur). 2022 Jun;17(2):492-504.
12. Chu EC, Leung KKY. Chiropractic Management of the symptomatic pedicle hemomangioma: A Case Report. Maedica (Bucur). 2022 Jun;17(2):528-531.
13. Chu EC, Chen AT, Chiang R. Chiropractic treatment for Parkinson’s disease as well as deformity. J Med Life. 2022 May;15(5):717-722.
14. Chu E. The Opportunity to unlock The Architecture of Healthcare Model: Chiropractic at-home care. Journal of Contemporary Chiropractic. 2022 March; 5(1):44-49.
15. Chu EC, Wong AY. The treatment of Gait Decline in a Female with Parkinson’s Disease: A Case Report. J Med Cases. 2022 Mar;13(3):140-144.
16. Chu EC. Preventing the development of throat necks in the young male A case report. Radiol Case Rep. 2022 Mar;17(3):978-982.
17. Chu ECP, Lee LYK. Pathology of the adjacent segment of the cervical spine Case report. J Family Med Prim Care. 2022 Feb;11(2):787-789.
18. Chu EC. Remission of Neckache and Headache Pain following Chiropractic Manipulative Treatment for one patient suffering from Neurofibromatosis. Chiropractic Journal Australia. 2022 February; 49(1):8-19. Chu EC, Yau K, Ho V, Yun S. The scaling approach to your Chiropractic Patient Journey. Asia Pacific Chiropractic Journal. 2022 February; 2(5):2-8.
20. Chu ECP, Wong AYL. Changes in Pelvic Incidence as a result of Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction: A Case Report. J Med Cases. 2022 Jan;13(1):31-35.
21. Chu E. Smart Rehabilitation Clinic. Journal of Contemporary Chiropractic. 2022; 5(1):7-12.
22. Chu EC. Improved quality of life with moderate management of thoracic Scoliosis at 172deg: A case report. J Med Life. 2022 Jan;15(1):144-148.
23. Chu EC, Trager RJ. Chiropractic Management of Neck Pain Complicated by Symptomatic Vertebral Artery Stenosis as well as dizziness. Am J Case Rep. 2022 Sep 14;23:e937991.
24. Chu EC, Trager RJ. The Concurrent Bell’s Palsy and Facial Pain Reducing by Multimodal Chiropractic Therapy The Case and the Literature Review. Am J Case Rep. 2022 August;23 E937511.

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SOURCE Chiropractic The Doctors’ Association of Hong Kong (CDAHK)