The US Food and Drug Administration approved a brand new nasal spray that can be used as a fast treatment for adults suffering from migraines.
Zavegepant, a nasal spray known under the brand name Zavzpret can help relieve headache pain and other symptoms as early as 15 minutes after using the drugmaker Pfizer announced in a news release. The medicine is expected to be sold at pharmacies starting in July 2023, Pfizer announced.
There are a variety of different medications that help treat migraines and migraines, which includes a variety that are nasal sprays. Zavzpret is one of the first one to be effective by blocking the calcitonin gene related peptide, CGRP, a protein that is released by the brain and causes inflammation. Many medications block CGRP however many people who suffer from migraines have severe nausea and don’t like the medication they need to take in.
Zavzpret can also be Zavzpret is alsoan alternative for those who suffer from heart disease or any other condition which prevent them from being safe to use different migraine treatment options.
In two research studies, where patients suffering from migraines weren’t sure whether they were receiving the drug or placebo Zavzpret proved to be more efficient in relieving migraine-related pain in just two hours than using a nasal spray that did not contain the active ingredient.
In a study published in The Lancet Neurology Journal The Lancet Neurology, about 24% of those who received a single 10 milligram dosage of Zavzpret claimed to have no pain for two hours after as opposed to 15% of those that received the nasal spray with no active ingredients, an increase which was significant statistically. The primary side effect noted during the research was a diminished perception of taste that was reported to affect about one in five users who took the medication. Other adverse effects included nausea and nasal discomfort.
“When migraines strike the body, it can have a profound negative impact on one’s everyday life,” Dr. Kathleen Mullin who is the medical director’s assistant at New England Institute for Neurology & Headache who has researched the drug, wrote in the press release issued by Pfizer. “Among the migraine sufferers I treat one of the primary advantages of an effective treatment is how fast it is effective. It is a nasal spray that has rapid absorption of drugs, Zavzpret offers an alternative treatment option for those who require pain relief or cannot take oral medication due to vomiting or nausea to get back to normal functioning quickly.”
Migraines are thought to be affecting about 10% the population around the world, and are approximately three times more common among women than males. They typically cause painful throbbing in the head that lasts for days or hours and could cause sensitization to sound or light nausea, vomiting, and visual disturbances.

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