The NHS suggests that adults engage in at minimum 150 mins of moderate exercise that is, 75 minutes intense exercise each week, spread equally over a minimum of four days.
Although I’d like to think of my exercise routine to be fairly vigorous – having at least a half hours of YouTube yoga every day and running every other day , as a freelance writer it’s true that I’m spending the majority of my day at my desk. I’ve never felt more fit than when I would cycle 10 miles to work However, when I work at the comfort of my home, my daily commute is just a few steps from my bed to my desk.
After several bouts of sciatica and a time of feeling sluggish and tired I began to realize that I wasn’t moving enough. So I resolved to walk for an additional 20 minutes every day (on the top of running and yoga) for a whole month to see how I would feel. I picked 20 minutes since it’s easier to achieve and is more manageable than 30 minutes.
Incorporating additional activity into my daily routine encouraged me to experiment with new techniques, like glute activation exercises , and exercise routines that reduce stress that are all accessible on YouTube. A diary that I kept to record my additional activities was an excellent way to review and look back on and help me remain motivated.
Does 20 minutes of exercising can really change your life?
After just two days of breaking out of my life, I noticed that I had become more fit and stronger in my body. I also felt more relaxed in my mind, and I noticed that I was more energetic and had better focus.
A study that lasted for a long time of more than 330,000 people in the year 2015 revealed that even from being completely inactive to walking for 20 minutes per day, you can lower the risk of dying prematurely by as much as 30 percent. Little changes can have significant impact.
Walking 20 minutes for 20 minutes is awe-inspiring health benefits
Going for a quick stroll was one of my new flexes and I was amazed by the positive effects on my physical and mental well-being. A walk during lunchtime got me outside in the fresh air and helped ease my anxiety, and made me concentrate more on getting back to work. It was also extremely helpful in relieving my sciatica Research has shown that walking is beneficial to sciatica prevention.
Research has also proven that regular walking improves the cardiorespiratory fitness of muscles, strength as well as body shape. One study in 2015 showed that more physical movement and walking were connected to better health-related life quality in women who suffer from depression.
Are 20 minutes of pilates enough?
I’ve tried pilates twice in the studio and was miserable every minute of it because I was unable to do it. A 20-minute YouTube class was easier to manage, which means I didn’t quit and kept coming back to try more. In a studio class that can last at least an hour I was unsure whether 20 minutes would be enough to get the most benefit.
“Even 20 minutes per day is beneficial because pilates energizes muscles and gets the body up.” adds Helen O’Leary director and physiotherapist of Complete Pilates.
“It can also help you develop awareness of your body, and the most effective method to build this is by doing it gradually and regularly. The results will show up because you’re consistent and trying things that are different. The key to success in all things is to be consistent and enjoy it. This will assist you grow.”
Variety is the essence of life (and the secret to exercising benefits)
A study conducted by an academic at University of Florida showed that those with a variety of exercise routine were able to enjoy their workouts by 20 percent more than people who did the same exercise routine each time and 45 percent higher than those with no schedule. They also were more likely to stick to their regimen in comparison to those who did not have a plan.
“Mixing it up every now and then can keep your mind engaged to make sure you’re not bored, which is a fact not to be overlooked,” says Rebecca Myers the personal trainer and co-founder of Live Happy.
“It is also a challenge for your body. For example One of my customers is an athlete who’s accustomed to consistent, high-intensity aerobic exercise. She attempted surfing, but really felt it the next day , with her DOMS because her muscles were able to respond differently. This can lead to faster improvements in your fitness levels however, to benefit from these benefits, it must not be an exercise routine that’s constantly performed.”
I thoroughly enjoyed trying many various activities throughout the month that covered the areas of endurance strength, balance, strength and flexibility. My aim was to simply move more. It could be advantageous to do the same type of exercises when you’re working towards more specific objectives.
“The degree of variety that you’ll need during your workout is determined by the goals you have set,” explains personal trainer Joe Mitton.
If you’re planning to make larger modifications on your physical body Myers suggests creating a regimen that includes the less strenuous activity (like walking) on one day, and an activity that is more intense (like running or HIIT, or weight lifts) the nextday “It’s not recommended to perform intense workouts throughout the day and rest is just as important as exercising.”
If you’re considering attempting one month of more exercise, Myers also recommends staying inspired by planning it in to your routine: “Our bodies crave routine and routine, so schedule it in so that your mind and body accept it as a part of your daily routine. You’re likely to see gradual improvements using this approach Slow and steady is the best way to win.”
My body is used to moving that I’ve stayed with it beyond the initial trial month. Let’s get moving.

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