Man looking at tablet
Technology is everywhere. From smartphones to our laptops a lot of us are hooked on our devices for hours at a time. According to various studies, indicate that the average person within the United States spends between five to 10 hours per day with their phones, computers as well as video games and televisions.
With all screen time comes the possibility of health risks. A condition called “tech neck” is the result of stressing muscles when looking at devices such as computer screens or phones for prolonged durations of time.
“Technology that is negatively affecting your neck is best way to put the issue,” says Dr. Nandini Chattopadhyay, a family doctor at OSF HealthCare. “Technology could refer to smartphones or tablets, such as iPhones and computers, as well as their general impact on necks and shoulders, as well as the upper back that is a concern in recent years, and that’s exactly what neck tech is all about.” .”
Some have called this issue the new carpal tunnel syndrome.
“In the case of tech neck, we observe necks being affected due to of tech,” says Dr. Chattopadhyay. “More frequently than often, it’s the nerves that run through the back of your head to the shoulders and neck that is weak due to the way people perform these things and also looking at their devices. The connection to nerve and pain of neck pain is now referred to as the carpal tunnel of the present .”
Tech neck is a problem for children and adults, however symptoms differ and may differ for every person as per the doctor Dr. Chattopadhyay, who has treated patients as young as. The repeated strain on bones, nerves, as well as muscles that result from looking down at phones computer, or laptop screen for instance could cause arthritis, pinched nerves arthritis and disc herniation.
If I began at the head, it could result in headaches and changes in vision, and glasses being required at a younger age than you normally require,” says Dr. Chattopadhyay. “Then it’s neck stiffness and the weakness in lower back. There is a lot of tension in the muscles of your upper back. As the pain gets worse, it is able to go down towards your lower back and you then notice tingling and numbness throughout your arms. These are just a few most common symptoms I encounter. .”
There are methods to avoid neck pain caused by technology, for example keeping your posture in good shape by using a smartphone stand or an adjustable monitor stand, and speaking with your physician for physical therapy. There are treatments that could be efficient for treating neck pain. It’s not necessary to suffer from pain if it’s managed, according to the doctor. Chattopadhyay.
“The managing of this is a matter of consciousness,” she adds. “So every day, make sure you’re active and able to stop and take a break from technological devices. It’s crucial to do this If you’re on your computer all day long Take an hour or two for you to complete regular exercises while not staring at computer screen. .”
Our smartphones and other devices are essential tools , and there’s not a reason to stop using them according to the Dr. Chattopadhyay adds. However, she suggests holding the phone up to your eye to reduce strain. If you do not be in discomfort, it could be time to consult your physician.
For more information, go toOSF HealthCare .

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